Best Blogs of the Week

Best Blogs of the Week

Last week had a tremendous amount of blog activity.  Wells Fargo had 10 blog posts alone.  This week’s best blogs cover a wide range of topics, from investor sentiment to QE2.

  1. Wells Fargo Advantage Funds – This post describes the ending of the 2nd quantitative easing program.  James Kochan presents a case that nobody really knows if QE2 was successful and how this program impacted markets around the world.
  2. Russell – This post presents an excellent review of bullish versus bearish outlooks from the many money managers Russell works with.  Not only that, but Russell goes on file to declare QE2 a success and lists some reasons why.
  3. BlackRock – I’m a fan of case studies and Noel Archard presents a pretty straight-forward one on ETFs & short squeezes.  A short squeeze is something brought up now and then and he does a good job showing how short squeezes are unlikely to happen in an ETF.