
Best Blogs of the Week – THE SINGLE BEST BLOG

We recommended 74 blogs on in 2011. Is there one that was way above and beyond the rest? No.

One did stick out as a template for any firm considering a blog or improving their blog.

The single best blog of the year came from Russell. The post, titled “Is the U.S. vaccinated against Japanese-style economic stagnation?”, uses three effective blog tools.  … [read more]

Best Blogs of the Week

Mid-December usually yields numerous year-in-review and prognostication newsletters, emails and blog posts. Often they are valuable for FAs as they plan and deliver a year-end message to clients and prospective clients. There were two strong posts that share opinions on 2012 and what may occur.

  • BlackRock – No surprise that this post focuses on ETFs. As the ETF vehicle becomes more popular with advisors, then dispelling myths become more crucial.
  • Russell – A succinct review from another great Russell survey shares some helpful opinions and thoughts on what may occur in 2012.

Happy New Year. This is the final BEST of BLOGS for 2011. If you’ve enjoyed, agreed, disagreed, disliked them, please send an email and let us know.

On December 31st, we’ll crown one blog post as the best blog of the year. After that, we’ll resume the review on January 9th.


Best Blogs of the Week

This week’s best include two different views on the super-committee, their action (or lack of), and implications to portfolios. Additionally, there’s an interesting take on Europe included.

  1. BlackRock – This post describes why the super-committee’s inaction may tip the US back into recession.
  2. Russell – This post describes the repercussions from the mandatory cuts going into effect in 2013.
  3. Wells Fargo – The post describes two opposing scenarios for the European Central Bank and repercussions that would ensue.

Best Blogs of the Week

This week didn’t have many  exciting posts.  The two most noteworthy came from Russell.

  1. Russell – This post acknowledges and considers the very real and widespread struggle for advisors: investors want to stay on the sideline currently.
  2. Russell – This post announces the launch of an advisor app.  The post is nothing revelatory, but the introduction of an app to enable interaction with the information treasure-trove at Russell is important.

Best Blogs of the Week

In a week where some political pundits are predicting a Greek revolt, I thought we’d see more blogs tackle this issue and the potential impact on US equity markets.  Instead, we have a single Halloween reference and retirement talking points.

  1. US Funds – This post provides some a quality economic comparison between China and the US.  It provides both reasons to think of China as a compelling long-term place for investments and reasons to be cautious.
  2. Russell – This post provides three excellent talking points for an advisor selling retirement plans.
  3. AllianceBernstein – This post provides two clear ways to try to reap excess returns with less volatility typical in emerging markets.