Wells Fargo

Best Blogs of the Week

This week’s best include two different views on the super-committee, their action (or lack of), and implications to portfolios. Additionally, there’s an interesting take on Europe included.

  1. BlackRock – This post describes why the super-committee’s inaction may tip the US back into recession.
  2. Russell – This post describes the repercussions from the mandatory cuts going into effect in 2013.
  3. Wells Fargo – The post describes two opposing scenarios for the European Central Bank and repercussions that would ensue.

Best Blogs of the Week

Sorry for the one-day delay.  Last week, many firms covered a lot of ground. Wells Fargo posted 11 blogs last week and other firms followed suit. AllianceBernstein – new to blogging – came in with seven. With so many posts to select from, we have four posts to share with no theme or inter-related issue.

  1. AllianceBernstein – In this post, Sharon Fay shares a compelling reason for being bullish on technology stocks. Agree or disagree, it’s valuable to the FA for a firm to share posts like this.
  2. American Century – This post shares a straightforward and easily shared reason for including alternative investments. For an advisor beginning the discussion with clients, this post is helpful
  3. BlackRock – I admit it: I am a sucker for a good heat map.  This post simplifies the tax-loss harvesting discussion many FAs will have with clients soon.
  4. Wells Fargo – This is a solid Q&A with thoughts on how high-quality in the high-yield market can represent value right now.

Best Blogs of the Week

This week’s best feature a few definitions. I’m torn on this.  Is it helpful or condescending (leave a comment) to define a twenty-five cent word?

American Century – The post provides six reasons why the businesses are bouncing back from recession faster than consumer. (Defining word: dichotomy)

Russell – This post shares an interesting impact of mentally shifting the quarter-end and seeing the impact on quarterly returns influenced by market volatility (Defining word: volatility).

Wells Fargo Advantage Fund – This post is a bit of  a bruiser (long, dense).  If you stay with it, the author has a few standout points about how and why the Fed is not seeing the Treasury market behave as expected.


Best Blogs of the Week

This week’s posts include a newcomer, AllianceBernstein, as well nicely crafted post written mostly in bullets.

  • Wells Fargo – This post presents an interesting view on investing in China. Specifically, the author contrasts the banking sector versus consumer sector.
  • AllianceBernstein – This post covers covers common ground: dollar-cost averaging or not.  It provides a nice idea of what cost an investor may expect with dollar-cost averaging in the event a rapid bull market.
  • American Century – A succinct bullet-based post that provides some opinions from American Century on big market issues such as inflation and interest rates.


Best Blogs of the Week

This week we saw a lot of blogs, but primarily focused on very current events.  While those can be interesting, they can also be so specific as to become stale in two days.  Here we have three interesting premises, in three different blogs.

  1. Vanguard – This post provides a clear relation (and line of thinking) between the large sell-off last month and retirement.
  2. Russell – Great post on what advisors think retirees want and what retirees actually want.
  3. Wells Fargo – The always enjoyable Dr. Jacobsen uses this post to share his opinion on a US version of a value-added sales tax.